Boston North Shore Study

Regional Saugus River Floodgate Project - Everett, Lynn, Malden, Nahant, Revere and Saugus, Massachusetts

Definitions & Abbreviations

ACEC -- Area of Critical Environmental Concern

ACOE --US Army Corps of Engineer

B&M -- Boston & Maine Railroad

CLF -- Conservation Law Foundation

CSC & TG -- Citizen Steering Committee & Technical Group

CZM -- MA Coastal Zone Management

DCR -- MA  Department of Conservation & Recreation

DDE-PM -- Deputy Division Engineer for Project Management

DEP -- MA Department of Environmental  Protection

DMF -- MA Division of Marine Fisheries

EEA -- MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

EIS/EIR -- A combined Environmental Impact Statement/Report

EOEA -- Executive Office of Environmental Affairs

EPA -- US Environmental Protection  Agency

FAA --Federal Aviation Administration

FEMA -- Federal Emergency Management Agency

Ft., NGVD -- Elevation in Feet above National Vertical Datum of 1929

GE -- General Electric

GEIR -- Generic Environmental Impact Report

I-95 -- Abandoned Interstate Highway 95 Embankment

LPP -- Local Protection Project

MACC -- Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions, Inc.

MBTA -- Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

MDC -- Metropolitan District Commission

MEPA -- Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act

P.L. -- Price Level

Project -- Regional Saugus River Floodgate Project

SAVE -- Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment

SPN -- Standard Project Northeaster

SWIM -- Nahant SWIM Inc., Safer Waters in Massachusetts

WRDA -- Water Resources Development Act

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Definitions & Abbreviations